February 7, 2012

let's talk about it.

"What do you want.... What do you want!!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!?!?"  Imagine these four words being screamed in your face over and over and over.  It makes you start to think, well what do I want?  The more you think about it, the more unsure you are.  Kinda crazy, huh... You might think - I want a new car.  I want to buy a house.  I want to travel the world.  Yea, these things are all great; but after you get them you are left with the same question.  The more "things" you have, the harder this question gets to answer.  I know that I just want to be happy.  Seems simple enough, but this is probably one of the hardest things to find.  It's not something you can go pick up at the store, order online or borrow from a friend.  This is something that comes from within.  And the only person that can give it to you is yourself. 
Let's talk a little about expectations.  Do you ever do things for people and in return expect them to do something for you?  Well, you get what you give.  That's a tricky little phrase, isn't it.  You give = you get, right?  Nope, not always.  When you give to someone, you can't assume that you will always get something back in return.  In the way of the evil world we live in, most people like to take, take, take and take more.  I know this because I am a very giving and nurturing person.  I do it because it gives me that feel good feeling knowing that I can help someone and make them smile.  However, this does have it's disadvantages too.  Sometimes this "giving" comes with an expectation.  It's not even that I expect something in return either.  Most of the time it is a need for appreciation.  I mean, what is the point of doing a kind deed if no one freaking cares, right?!  Ha, there I go with my silly expectations again!  
If you are constantly expecting something in return you will always be disappointed.  And the tricky thing about disappointment is that it is something that we subconsciously give ourselves.  As soon as we start expecting anything from anyone - BAM - disappointment.  Our expectations tend to be higher for someone else than they are for ourselves.  Why is that?  Maybe it's that shiny pedestal or high horse that we like to ride on ;)  Just try and remember that we are happier creatures without having expectations!  So throw those stupid expectations out the window and enjoy life because the only time we are ever living is in this moment!

1 comment:

  1. OK. A friend told me same yesterday. Posative thinking. Thx
