February 9, 2012

taking the plunge.

Ok, I never thought I that these words would ever come out of my mouth.  I am going back to school!  My entire life was either spent being told I was suppose to go to college or convincing everyone that I am not going back (post a very sad attempt). 

I never liked school.  My old besties will tell you I was the first one to bring up skipping class just to have fun.  I did what I needed to get by and disappointed my parents a lot through the process.  As I got older, I decided maybe I should get a steady job and make some money to support myself.  I thought I could make it by fighting hard to get what I want and earn an honest living by being a good person.  Well, although a large part of be believes that, I have decided to go back and get an education.  Hats off to you if you are sitting there thinking, "Finally! I told you so!"
But I have a secret for you... I am not doing this for anyone but myself.  I am not going back to be a surgeon or a tax attorney.  I'm not going back for business or management.  I am going for Culinary Arts!  My passion!  Cooking!  Yayy!
I have spent the last few weeks chatting and meeting with my new friend Karys with whom I ask millions of questions to - and she is fabulous!  After taking a tour of the school and going over the program, there is not a doubt in my mind that this is my next chapter in life.  You know what I always say, it is never to late to follow your dreams :)

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