January 14, 2012


This week started off super amazing... my mind was open, my brain was a sponge for knowledge and life was great!!!  Then I got a call that someone very close to me was in the hospital for something pretty serious - My Dad.  He had blood clots in his lungs - again - and was lucky to be alive - again.  In one instant, my mind flipped the switch, and my positivity walked out the door.  I was feeling anxious and nervous and sad... hearing news like that makes you think of the worst things that could possibly happen and it's really scary.
After I wrapped my head around what was going on, all I wanted to do was talk to my dad.  Tell him how much I luved him and how I was there for him.  Make sure he understood how much I appreciated him and everything he has ever done for me.  How sorry I was for disappointing him when I was younger and explain how he's been my hero and how he has had such a big influence on me in my life.  Luckily for me, I have the opportunity to still tell him all those things.  He is on the road to recovery and his journey is far from over.
I believe 100% that it is so important to talk about how you feel.  Whether it's happy, sad or some mixed emotion in the middle, the worst thing you can do it hold it inside of you.   Sometimes things happen and the chance to say what you mean is not there.  Cherish the people you luv and embrace life... one moment could change anything.

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